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Copié dans le presse-papier :Modern art culture, a reader - 2009 - https://cep.museepicassoparis.fr/en/node/104132
Modern art culture, a reader
Modern art culture, a reader
Routledge. London, New York
Type de support
Modern art culture, a reader
Routledge. London, New York
Description matérielle
1 vol. (XV-484 p.) ; ill.
26 cm
0415231515, 0415231523, 978-0-415-23151-0, 978-0-415-23152-7
Feminism inside: toward a black body politic / Dell Hooks ; Camera images and national meanings / Marita Sturken ; Revision, revisionism, and rehabilitation, 1959/1999: the American century, modernstarts, and cultural memory / Francis Frascina ; Global counter-culture? / Susan Buck-Morss ; State, the spectacle, and September 11 / Iain Boal ... [et al.] ; F-111: An interview with James Rosenquist / Gene R. Swenson ; Theories of art after minimalism and pop: a discussion / Michael Fried, Rosalind Krauss, Benjamin Buchloh ; Subversive signs / Hal Foster ; Veil, veiling, representation and contemporary art / David A. Bailey and Gilane Tawadros ; Making space: image events in an extreme state / Johanna Drucker ; A collage of indignation / Max Kozloff ; Beaubourg: the containing of culture in France / The Cultural Affairs Committee of the Parti Socialiste Unifie ; Museum of Modern Art as Late capitalist ritual: an iconographic analysis / Carol Duncan and Alan Wallach ; Trojan horses: activist art and power / Lucy R. Lippard ; Taking stock (Unfinished) / Hans Haacke ; Modernism, postmodernism and the problem of the visual in afro-american culture / Michele Wallace ; Other story / Rasheed Araeen ; Tradition and conflict: images of a turbulent decade, 1963-1973 / Mary Schmidt Campbell ; Writing (and righting) wrongs: feminist art publications / Carrie Rickey ; Tangled skein: on re-reading heresies / Moira Roth ; Mary Kelly's post-partum document: a dialogue ; Introduction to post-partum document post-partum document postscript (2008) / Elizabeth Cowie ; Post-partum document by Mary Kelly / Laura Mulvey ; Mystifying theory / Margot Waddell and Michelene Wandor ; Using psychoanalytic theory / Parveen Adams, Rosalind Delmar and Sue Lipshitz ; Phantasmagoria of the female body: the work of Cindy Sherman / Laura Mulvey ; Anatomies of the body politic, its central nervous system: 1991-1996 / Kobena Mercer ; Masculine imperative: high modern, postmodern / Laura Cottingham ; 'Presence' in absentia: experiencing performance as documentation / Amelia Jones ; War in my work / Martha Rosler ; Atmosphere of effrontery: Richard Serra, tilted arc, and the crisis of public art / Casey Nelson Blake ; Culture wars / Richard Bolton ; Pictures of innocence / David Newnham and Chris Townsend ; Age of innocence: Jim Lewis Talks to Amy Adler / Amy Adler ; Mobilizing pasts: groundzero, representation, and 'outrageous art' / Francis Frascina..
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Musée national Picasso-Paris
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