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Copié dans le presse-papier :Débordements, les constructions cubistes de Picasso et l'art du XXe siècle - 2002 -
Débordements, les constructions cubistes de Picasso et l'art du XXe siècle
Débordements, les constructions cubistes de Picasso et l'art du XXe siècle
[s. n.]. [S. l.]
Type de support
Débordements, les constructions cubistes de Picasso et l'art du XXe siècle
[s. n.]. [S. l.]
Description matérielle
1 vol. (217 f.)
30 cm
Les changements survenus dans l'art du XXe siècle se cristalliseraient autour de l'abandon des domaines de la peinture et de la sculpture. La structure qui, depuis la Renaissance jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle, canalisait la production artistique et y maintenait un certain ordre, commence à perdre de son actualité vers 1910. L'absence d'un système valable de classification pose un problème d'identité pour les œuvres qui ne s'ancrent plus dans un domaine particulier. Dans la mesure où celles-ci ne relèvent ni de la peinture ni de la sculpture, il devient difficile de les dénommer. Ce problème est traité à l'aide d'un cas exemplaire : les objets tridimensionnels exécutés par Picasso entre 1912 et 1915. S'il est impossible de leur assigner une place dans la structure existante et donc de trouver un terme adéquat pour les désigner, du moins peut-on tenter de les décrire. Le moyen de la description et, plus particulièrement, de l'analyse formelle a non seulement servi à mettre en évidence et à véritablement rendre visible le processus de constitution de ces objets, mais il a également permis d'éclairer certains aspects des transformations de la peinture et de la sculpture au XXe siècle.
Changes that occurred in XXth century art could be outlined by the departure from the realms of painting and sculpture. The structure that since the Renaissance until the end of the nineteenth century channelled the artistic production and maintained a certain order, starts to lose its relevance around 1910. The absence of a valid system of classification raises the question in regard to the identity of works which are no longer anchored in a specific realm. Provided that these do not belong either to painting nor to sculpture, it becomes difficult to name them. This problem is studied with the following case: three-dimensional objects made by Picasso between 1912 and 1915. If it is impossible to assign them a place in the existing structure and consequently to find an adequate term to designate them, at least one can attempt to describe them. The means of description and, more specifically, of formal analysis has helped not only to underscore and to indeed make visible the process of forming these objects, but has allowed equally to reveal in some respect how painting and sculpture transformed throughout the XXth century.
Changes that occurred in XXth century art could be outlined by the departure from the realms of painting and sculpture. The structure that since the Renaissance until the end of the nineteenth century channelled the artistic production and maintained a certain order, starts to lose its relevance around 1910. The absence of a valid system of classification raises the question in regard to the identity of works which are no longer anchored in a specific realm. Provided that these do not belong either to painting nor to sculpture, it becomes difficult to name them. This problem is studied with the following case: three-dimensional objects made by Picasso between 1912 and 1915. If it is impossible to assign them a place in the existing structure and consequently to find an adequate term to designate them, at least one can attempt to describe them. The means of description and, more specifically, of formal analysis has helped not only to underscore and to indeed make visible the process of forming these objects, but has allowed equally to reveal in some respect how painting and sculpture transformed throughout the XXth century.
Ressources documentaires
Musée national Picasso-Paris
Code Ark
Numéro d'inventaire | Cote topographique | Conditions d'accès | Localisation | Description |
BIB 007042 | P2 PAR | Communicable | Salle de lecture |